Monday, December 10, 2012

I'm going, I'm going

I got called out for not posting up here for a few days. Because my best friend is a pain in my ass. But I love her and our relationship has always been about keeping each other in check. So here I am.

I had this whole themed blog talking about how all my favorite holiday things are dark and twisty. Like Dickenzian dark. Like my favorite Christmas movie is A Lion in Winter (For those who haven't seen in's a charming movie about an old timey family of sociopaths who love each other but really just kind of want to ruin everyone's lives) To tell the truth I got part way through the post and felt more than a little Scroogy. (See what I did there? No? Damn.) So the current post is going to be a revelation I had while watching a bad movie earlier tonight.

As is my habbit from time to time I watched Blade Trinity tonight. I'm not ashamed. I own it along with four or five (or ten) other movies that have almost no redeemable qualities. But I got to talking with Christy about the origin story for Blade. See back in the day Blade's mother was seduced by a vampire and she died giving birth to him. She later got turned into a vampire herself. Does this story have a familiar strain for anyone? It's basically the same story of Bella and Edward's creepy doll-eyed spawn in the twilight series. That's right folks. Blade's back story matches up point for point with a twilight book.

Game. Set. Match. 

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