Saturday, August 31, 2013

I know, I'm terrible at this

I've had this damn blog for almost a year and I still can't seem to get myself up to the one post a week that I keep saying to myself in a soothing voice as I lay awake at night wondering why I wasn't productive that day. "Tomorrow," I mutter quietly. "Tomorrow you will post on your blog and it will make you feel better." But then I get distracted or more likely I choose to go sit in a quiet air conditioned movie theater where no one is bugging me and I can live in another world for an hour.

This is my fortress of solitude

Ok so updates. I'm about to move into a new place with two sisters and an Alex. I recommend everyone have an Alex in their lives. Damn useful. Except she's not moving in till October cuz she's on a post-college odessy so I get to have an empty room in the house for a month with an "Alex" sticky note posted on it. So not useful there. Get it together Alex. Just kidding. She's a foot taller than me and can totally beat me up.

Moving makes me stressy, so that's rough. It's also been a week of trials at work, so stressy there. But the highlight of the weekend was getting to to see Tyler Lyle in Hollywood. For those of you who don't know Tyler, go look him up. Seriously. I'll wait. He's a freaking amazing musician and his songs make my soul shine a little. I understand that the last sentence doesn't make tons of sense. Get over it. Here is Tyler playing a song called Nashville (the second song I've featured by this title)

He's so talented it hurts me. Please support him so he keeps giving music to the world.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm turning into my father. Slowly mind you, but it's still happening. Most girls turn into their mothers. I blame the fact that I spent my formative years living at my Dad's house for my new habit of calling people I'm insulting "Buckwheat" and "Sparky" in a condescending tone. Just saying. There but for the grace of a moustache and a debilitating caffeine addiction...

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