Saturday, July 6, 2013


My older sister Christy is back in Wyoming spending a night at our parents house with one of our older sisters. I'm not naming names cuz I don't want anyone to get all butt hurt, but it's the one who likes to antagonize and who's name rhymes with Stair-o-pine. She just threw a shoe at Christy and nailed her in the forehead. There will be bloodshed before sunrise. It is written.

Tomorrow they will laugh it off and it will become just one of those stories.

Like the time Caroline and Coco got into a screaming fight in the middle of the restaurant where Care worked.

Or the time Christy tried to drown me. A little.

Or that one time where Erika and Coco convinced a 4 year old me to answer the door to Caroline's new boy friend buck ass naked.

Or that time we played Pictionary and Lance almost had to get stitches.

The point is that by tomorrow it will be just another story, that we end with the words "Yeah, but I love my family." Or tomorrow my parents will find one of their children has smothered the other in their sleep. 

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