Friday, May 17, 2013

Social engagements for the socially disinclined

I'm not a social person. At least not by most peoples standards. I would much rather watch a movie or hang out at someone's house than go to a bar or (God forbid) a club. So when I got invited out for a social engagement tonight, I very nearly said no just on principal.
This is me. Almost always. 

The thing is I got asked out by a group of guys. I'm more myself with guys. I understand them. A few well placed crude jokes and an obscure Blue Oyster Cult reference and I'm in like flint. Girls are complicated and there are rules and details that I tend to railroad over too often to be really accepted. (Hint pulling someone's hair past the age of 7 is NOT OKAY) On top of being asked to play pool with the guys it was a group from a movie theater I subbed at this week. Movie theater people who are relaxed and nerdy and didn't seem to care that I have the motor functions and coordination of a drunk toddler. They wanted me to play pool with them anyway. It was like being asked to sit at the cool kids table 9 after nine years of being rightfully labeled as that awkward kid that always seems to spill stuff on herself. 

Hi guys! Did you see that ludicrous display last night? Where is everyone going?

So I agreed to go. And then I spent thirty minutes tonight sitting in my apartment, forcing myself to get ready and leave the house. Because the minute I sat down in front of my computer the idea of driving 25-30 minutes to Santa Monica seemed exhausting. I am 23 going on 92. I am waiting for my hip replacement and some days I swear I am inches from being that ancient person standing in the Walmart shouting out the answers to Jeopardy. 

Fuck no. It's "What is the Andes?" you ignorant slut!

  But eventually I went. And I learned that for years I have been playing pool wrong. With some very patient coaching I was able to make a few shots and not completely embarrass myself. And I'll be damned if I didn't have fun. So maybe I'm not one of those 23 year olds who can party with Paris Hilton and make it to their job at 9am. But I took a little step towards being a real live adult today. I'll mark it on the calendar. 

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