Friday, November 30, 2012

If you knew about it and didn't tell me, we're no longer friends

 So one of my favorite bands in the whole entire world is the Gaslight Anthem. They're far cooler than I could ever aspire to. Brian Fallon has an uncanny ability to put americana in melodic form, his rough voice sounding at once familiar and antagonistic in a way that I always associate with open roads and midwestern small towns...

On the other side we have Damien Rice. If I were to go deaf tomorrow I think I would spend my last night with hearing listening to Damien Rice music. I get the feeling from the research I've done and the interviews I've watched that Damien and I wouldn't get along but God Damn if the boy can't write a song that wounds and heals in one line. I once wrote a nearly 20 page paper for school that analyzed every song from O in depth.

Today, in search of the Gaslight Anthem's newest album I stumbled across Gaslight Anthem covering a Damien Rice song. Everything I love about music in contained in this 3 minute song. I'm only being dramatic because I've spent the last hour with this song on a loop, mostly while closing my eyes and saying over and over "I would have cut so many people to be there when this was performed" Politically correct? Not even a little. But Damnit this song is my soul tonight. 

So after a solid hour of Brian Fallon getting his Irish on I looked up where the song came from. It was performed on a radio station in 2010. HOW DID I GO ALMOST THREE YEARS WITHOUT KNOWING ABOUT THIS??? As per my usual routine in life, I blame everyone else. Surely someone in my life knew this existed and didn't tell me. It's almost exactly like finding out about Being Human two seasons in. Much like a show about a vampire, a ghost, and a werewolf sharing a flat in Bristol, when one of my musical icons covers another I need to know about it. Step up your game everyone else in my life. Sheesh. 

If you're looking for said amazing song it can be found here:

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