Sunday, November 24, 2013

But I changed his diapers

My 19 year old nephew is engaged. His girlfriend is in the navy and just graduated boot camp and is about to head off to a station in Italy. They both plan to move onto the base there. The announcement has caused an uprising in my family, and I have spent the day playing a very careful game of dodge the social trap (like dodgeball if the balls were on fire and you were ostracized for three years for losing) and I am exhausted. I'm also of several minds on the whole issue. 

On one hand, this is a kid who has never payed rent, has never held a job for more than a few months and has never had any real responsibilities in life. And now he wants to get married. To a girl. And then assumedly they will want to have children. And once I go down this rabbit hole I end up in a deep dark cave of "oh god, I used to change his diapers and I'm not ready to get married so why the hell can he get married and what if he makes me a great aunt before I'm thirty" it's ugly. 

Another part of me is hoping that this is T growing up. The trip he took to see his now fiancĂ© graduate from the naval academy is the longest he's been away from his parents ever. He proposed knowing that it would cause his trouble back in Colorado and he is clearly very happy with his decision. So fair play to him for finding someone who makes him that happy in this bonkers world. 

My third thought is that if this is the mistake that everyone in my family seems to think, the odds are it will work itself out. Making these big grand life errors are what shapes us, and if he is ever gonna be considered an adult, than he has to go through this without us jumping in to interfere. 

Basic conclusion? I love that kid fiercely, I always have. And I'll be here no matter what so I'm just going to sit back and watch him try to fly. Congrats little T. I'm always here for you 

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