Friday, March 29, 2013

Almost Always All Yours

I have a fun post in the works, one that revolves almost entirely around dick jokes, but I have to throw this one up first.

As usual Heather from Fuel Friends blog beat me to this one, but she recently put up a song from the band Widower's new album Fool Moon. I'm obsessed with this song. It's been on repeat on my computer for nearly an hour, and when it ends, I will start it up again. I can't help it. There's this lingering sadness in this song that floods in like a tidal wave and sweeps you up in this confession. "I was almost always all yours" It's a brutal sort of honesty. There's something that he's holding back, maybe not always the same thing, and maybe not all the time. That feeling of being so close but having a wall up that you're just not willing to take down. Oof. These guys are killing me. Plus, check out the 'stache on this guy.

I know, I know, more mostly acoustic slow music. I will post about some upbeat rocker type tunes soon. I'm still crawling out of my winter catalogue which is mostly dark slow music that fits my deep set desire to hibernate three months away even though I no longer live in a cold enough place to justify it. I'm slowly transitioning into the upbeat jangling spring timey stuff. Give me a few more hits on the snooze button. 

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