Sunday, September 7, 2014


It finally happened. A legit reason to mock all the people who use YOLO like it's a word and not an excuse to act like an irrational ass-bag. 

Fine. A second reason. 

I am just now hearing about this story, although it happened two years ago.

I have hated the YOLO trend since I first head about it, but in a casual way. Like you hate the band that your Ex made you listen to, or the way we all hate Nickleback but keep them around because almost no one can explain why... And this story has pushed me into a deep loathing. 

I am sorry that this kid lost his life, and I can only hope his blatant misuse of the "Carpe Diem philosophy" taught others a valuable lesson. 

Music recommendation and swashing buckles

Okay, call me late to the party (don't actually call me that. It's kinda cumbersome, as nicknames go), but I was just given the most recent Fall Out Boy album by the room mate I'm not related to. Perfect summer jams, the whole album is easy to listen to with only one song that I feel like I skip every time. The boys managed quite the comeback, and I am ashamed to have lost track of them for the last five years.

Anyone who can get Elton John to appear on their album is too cool to function. I'm so proud of them. 

Also The Musketeers just wrapped up their first season. I can not recommend this show highly enough to the nerds like me who love all things swash and buckle. Athos is brilliantly snide and cranky, D'Artangnan is adorable if a little clueless. Porthos is a stone cold bad ass. And Aramis is... Dreamy? Perfect? His hair makes me weak in the knees?

Dear Lord, thanks for this one. 

Combine this with newest Doctor Capaldi as a mustache twisty big bad guy (although, be warned that his 'tache in the last two episodes is comically fake. He got cast as Doctor Who and they made him shave his real lip warmer off) and a host of strong, confident, vaguely sociopathic women. There is almost no one on this show I'm not attracted to. 

I'm serious. Watch this show. I'm planning on working it into my pop culture references.